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ladybirds in garden

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TheOtherHalf | 14:19 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
Earlier I was pottering around in the garden and noticed loads of very small ladybirds on undersides of plant leaves. Perhaps this is a sign of good weather ( 1976 ladybirds ) Are they baby ones or is a it is new breed of extremely small ones. Never seen them as small as this before.


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I don't know anything about insects but I also have found loads of small ones on a low wall in our back garden, I've never seen so many together before.
I have noticed several ladybirds lately while out walking my dog. I first noticed them on nettles and now always check new batches of nettles, and they all seem to have ladybirds on them. I too was wondering if this meant anything about the weather. The ones I've seen are normal looking ladybirds btw.
I've noticed loads of ladybirds in my garden too. This afternoon I fished about half a dozen of them out of my bird bath. Poor little things had landed on the water and couldn't get out.

They were all fully grown.
I have had ladybirds everywhere for the last month,in the green house, on the plants, in the car. very strange as this is rural lincolnshire and pretty cold and open. the apparantly eat green fly, so must be starving hungry.
FYI. Ladybirds/bugs don't grow much, they lay eggs and they hatch an exceedingly ugly larva. This pupates and eventually a beautiful adult fully grown ladybird will emerge.
I noticed ladybirds back in February when pruning my hydrangea, they were normal size, I wish they would start to do their job cos I'm getting quite a lot of greenfly on the roses!
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wildwood, Ive never seen them as small as this before though. Im sure they are not fully grown ones, they why I wondered if they were a new species
Could be Harlequin ladybirds.


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ladybirds in garden

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