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Cat punishment

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coccinelle | 16:21 Wed 18th Apr 2012 | Animals & Nature
65 Answers
My cat, for the first time that I'm aware of, got up onto the worktop in my kitchen. I found her eating a ready to go into the oven stuffed pepper. As soon as she saw me she dashed for the door so knows fine well that what she was doing was wrong. How can I punish her. No food tonight? (me considering she's already had tea though only got as far as the top part) or what would you do so she won't do this again?


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Sprinkle the next one with chilli, that should stop her.
Exacting "punishment" on an animal at a later stage won't have any effect anyway as they won't know what it's for and definitely IMO never stop its meal! Cats are like that, they and dogs too will grab what they can when there's an opportune moment, guess you could try to keep it out of the kitchen and hope for the best. I must admit I don't agree with punishing an animal but a telling off at the time will give you some satisfaction even if it doesn't do the trick.
Don't think there's much you can do. Doubt if your moggie will remember what he/she did that was wrong and will only be confused by any "punishment".
You could rub her nose in it. Isn't that the standard punishment for pets ?
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She knows something's up as it'll be the first time I've ever yelled at her when she was bolting for the door after the incident and now when she's wanting to come in for tea I talk with a crossed voice and she sulks away.
I'm surprised your cat attempted to eat stuffed peppers, My cat is really fussy!
Will only eat meat or fish.
Unfortunately, these things happen, better to feed her at a time before you eat, then fingers crossed she'll be fast asleep when you decide to eat. ☺
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These stuffed peppers have lots of meat in them. I only ever give her dried cat food (but she catches field mice) so this is something I can't understand.
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Nibble, she does eat before I eat but these were ready to go into the oven for tonight's dinner. As from now on I can't trust her to leave food alone so another lesson to be learnt...
You'll learn....

you can't punish a cat, they'll make you pay, believe me!

Next time, just don't leave ANY food on a worktop or within her reach.
Agree, but she'll keep giving you lessons until you learn.. ☺ ♥♥
Our little moggy used to like to go on our kitchen worktops and search down any available food left out. We've found a very quick squirt of water from a plant sprayer and being taken down from the surface with a firm "no, naughty cat" soon taught her that this was wrong. Now when she gets on the kitchen surfaces we pick up the sprayer and she gets down immediately before we have a chance to squirt her. As for punishing her tonight - give her the cold shoulder - i.e. no fuss and she will get the message that you are not happy!
^ well yes, but she'll have no idea why the OP is unhappy!
That's precisely why I'm not a "catty" person - ugh, the thought of them jumping up on my worktops or on my bed makes me feel sick.
Don't let her into the kitchen when you aren't there.
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My cat is 11 years old so this surprises me that she has done it. I'll ban all access to the kitchen so she can't do this again but I still can't understand that during all these years I could leave out food to cool etc and never have a problem! It was a reason why I gave her dry food from the off.
When you see your pet doing this, keep a spray of water nearby.......they remember that......they hate water! And it does not hurt. The word "punishment" is not to be used for cats!!!
The water spray works with dogs as well.
you can't punish the cat, only educate yourself :o)

There must have been something in the stuffed peppers that she took a fancy to. My cat is generally very good but has a thing for fruit yoghurt - strawberry or rhubarb and was sitting gazing up at the microwave licking her lips when my son was making warm strawberry milk.
I always leave anything I've prepared in the oven [not switched on of course]
until I'm ready to cook it. Temptation out of the way for your moggie then.
How old is your cat, because he/she might need adult cat food.

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