My cat had quite a lot of 'sleep' in the corner of his eye, and now it looks quite red and sore. His eye is open, doesn t seem to bother him, its just the skin where it has weeped a bit. What can I put on it? Salt water? My antiseptic cream? Does it warrant a £40 visit to the vet?
If your eye was " and sore ...weeped a bit." would you slap salt water or antiseptic cream on it, causing probable stinging? Or would you be sensible and visit a doctor? Go to the vet smurfchops. Your cat DOES warrant a £40 pound visit. It could be in pain, at the least discomfort.
It might just have heyfever... I would boil some water, add a little salt allow the water to cool down then dip some tissue or cotton wool in the water and gently clean the cats eye lid, you can simulate a sort of licking motion like its mother would have used to clean it, they usually like that.
Trips to the vet are important but I wouldn't put my cats through the stress of it lightly... And really would you go to the docs for a red eye immediately or would you try some home remedies first?
Iggy my cat hates the vet, his paws sweat etc and he miaows all the time. So I have been bathing in boiled lightly salter water like you say, what I thought was black sleep could have been a scab as it scabbed over again. I left it and now it has all falled off and is back to normal. He was in no pain, no scratched and it didn't bother him at all. And he is OK now. Of course if it bothered him I would have gone to the vet but all fine now. Thanks all x
Sorry my grammar was rather bad there ... 'fallen off' 'no scratching' and I didn't bathe in boiled salted water, I bathed around the cat's eye .... thanks again folks. Especially IggyB ..
I'd suggest keep bathing it for a couple of days before going to the vet. If it's not bothering him, then leave it to take its course. Animals generally are far more resilient than us wussy humans.
My vet said that we should never underestimate just how freaked out our cats get during a trip to the vet.
Frankie goes about once every six weeks and by the time we actually get to the vet his normally pink nose is bright red (increase in blood pressure) and he is a quivering wreak in the corner of the carrier. He screams for hours once we get home.
smurf - I am glad that your wee boy is better. Frankie gets wounds around his eyes and on his nose. Frankie's sister is 'Merlin Warrior Princess' and she has huge paws and a strong punch.
Just read your update smurfchops I apologise to you. My answer was high-handed and I was frothy. I did not know all details and just shot off a reply. Did not know your cat was so stressed by the vets. Of my 8 cats 1 is like that and admittedly, unless it is major, I wait a day or two with him for smaller problems before going to the vet. He practically has a heart attack. The other 7 are fine. So pleased cat ok now. Again, sorry I jumped in with that reply.