So sorry..............but at least you know what happened thanks to the ladt who knocked on your door; it must be awful to keep wondering when a cat is missing. Big hug!
Thank you all so much xxx I'm so grateful for the lady who brought her back, I don't know what I'd have done if she just hadn't come home and I didn't know though I was about to go out to look for her and I can't imagine having found her like that myself.
It is heartbreaking, my cats are my family. She was such a lovely cat, quite amazing to see how far she had come from the skinny little quite defensive little madam, very much her own cat, when I rescued them. I was just thinking the other day how happy and loving she seemed and how affectionate she had gotten and we had some lovely and very special moments.
She'd usually be curled up with my on the sofa and would be curled up behind my knees when I'd wake up in the morning. We had a bit of a dance thing going on too, I'd be silly singing and dancing to the radio while getting ready and she'd be rolling around on the landing doing her cute thing and she was making me laugh the other night after enjoying being dried off after coming in from the rain so much she kept going out again to come back for more :)
So much a part of my life it leaves a massive hole but I'm glad I could give her what I could. I've arranged for her ashes to be scattered in a lovely special pet garden of rest up in Rossendale, same place as my Heathcliffe I lost 3 years ago this month.
cant believe its 3 years ago you lost Heathcliff bless him , theres nothing anyone can say to make you feel better , we are all here for you it does help to talk and tell us about her , i found the people on here a great help when bart was killed on the rd 4 years ago, as with nush not a mark on him , you have lots of lovely memories of her, do talk about her ,and the great thing about the site is no one can see you when you are crying and looking and feeling like sh!txxxx
Been there, so sorry for your loss, It's heart breaking, All you can console your self is that she had a lovely life and that she was well loved, but life was cut short for her, there would have been nothing you could have done cats are there own masters and do what they like, I went away for 3 nights last year for the first time in 2 years, I am possitive squirt my cat tried to find me, but the road was to much for him, big hugs
(((hugs))) Jenna, I've had the same thing happen, so I know how you
least the lady had the decency to let you know. It's a big hurt, you will always
remember her, and her funny ways that will make you smile. You gave her
love and she knew it. xxx
It does Ruth, I'd definitely done plenty of that today. I can't believe it's been three years either. Off to curl up soon and get an early night as just feel exhausted now and have a banging headache from crying.
Just wanted to post this though, this is my gorgeous girl doing one of her cute "butter wouldn't melt" poses x
What a shame for you to lose her - she looks lovely - all the best to you Jenna, and just remember the good times you had together. Thinking of you. (( ))
Oh Jenna, I am so sorry. That is heart-breaking. I guess it's better that someone came and told you. You and her sister must be missing her so much. xx
Thank you xxx There is just a massive hole, she was so much a part of my life. Just trying to think more of the good times and memories and there were so many of her, she was such a little character x