My perfect puppies are nearly 3 weeks old now, and definately 'toddlers'. So is it time I started potty training them?
They can't, yet, get out of the whelping box, so should I put newspaper or something in 1 corner and encourage them to use that?
Will be starting htem on sold food (well not very solid) next week, so feel that the box is going to be rather dirtier than it has been!
I think it'S a bit early. Line the box thoroughly with nespaper. You will find you are changing it very often. I got my newsagent to put aside all his unsold papers for me and I needed them (he could send back just the title from the front page to prove they were unsold).
Mum will be cleaning up everything they do until you start feeding them. If you put newspaper at one end they will soon learn to go there as its the furthest point from their bed. Mum will still clean up for a while (mine still does it if she sees her son go and he is six months!). Start collecting all the newspapers you can from friends and neighbours - you will be changing it about ten times a day!
We've been hoarding newspapers for months now, so no problem there. Longing to free up the space in fact!
They seem to be giong in one corner already (or some of them), so will put paper down there.
I have always half papers the whelping box as the pups once 'toddling' will generally walk off off of soft bedding before the do their toilet. Also I find that the bitch will clean up after them for a fair while yet so it's not as messy as you think it will be. Well not until they are a bit more independent....then the fun begins!
Really whelping box is the perfect place for a dog and their pups to stay. New born pups will enjoy playing in this type of whelping box. you can get such type of whelping box at