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Fenbendazole for humans. Can humans take this drug as they fight cancer?? Ive heard it can be taken and I,ve also heard it actually works!!!!  
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During Jan and Feb I had two operations for bladder cancer. The initial examination was unpleasant but it revealed some tumors on the lining of my bladder. I have since undergone two op's to... ...
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Hello. Some time ago somebody called Paulette Baatz hijacked my Facebook.. I cant use it at all now.. Can i get rid of it. PLEASE
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For some reason the home page for my T S B account has stopped working. The screen and all the writing is grey   What should I do???  Countless years have gone by and nowt untowards has happened... ...
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Watched a bit of an Aussie police movie.. Two patrol police pull over an old man and give him lots of nasty abuse. They tell him to EFF off and leave the scene. The old boy is left staring at his... ...
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Have noticed this week that E E have taken over B T When I tried,,in the usual way, to log in to both Netflix and Prime I can't Any Idea Why folks. Am going to log in to the website tommorrow and... ...
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I have had NORTON on my comp for two years but they seem intent on selling extras all year round. This hacks me right off and am looking for advice from you wise folks on here as to which one I... ...
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Living in North Lancashire, as I do, Being on the wrong side of 75, as I am, Ihave no desire to drive anywhere in "That London" However it did cross my mind that if I did would my car be exempt as... ...
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Watching Rugby (Eng v Chile)last night and rang a pal who was watching same game, to say something about the score. His picture was 5 mins behind mine!! Am wondering "How Come??" "That was a great... ...
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For some reason when I recieve an Email with a link to the main part of the message the link has stopped working. What's gone wrong I wonder?It feels as though in will be easy to fix but this... ...
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Can I dig up my Montbretia and Tigridia plants now and allow the plant to die back into the corms (I know some people do this with Daff's) so they will produce flowers next season. Just a thought...
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I have an Acer Aspire 22 and we love it except over the past couple of months the volume is getting worse. The volume control is on the highest setting yet the volume is diminishing week on week. Any...
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Quite simply Which Credit card is the best????...
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How dp I extricate myself from F B. I need to get away from it as I have grown tired of it and also some TxxT has decided to nick my identity. Lawd knows why this woman {Pauline Bahtze }wants my...
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I am struggling to rid our P R T of fleas. When she goes out on a nature reserve ,off lead, she loves it and at 9 and a half shows no sign of slowing down. She swims then rolls in dust ,sand, mud, fox...
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My Acer is about 3 years old and we like it a lot. However when I switch it on it takes at least 10 mins before one can use it. Similarly when it has been idle at least 5 mins before it runs normally....
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Our supplier ED F say they are coming next week the fit a new meter as ours is "OLD" and we need a new one. They will be fitting a Smart one (as a matter of course!) and I contacted them and told them...
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We or rather I has decided to fix our new 50in T V to the wall. I have done this in a bedroom but this one has a B T box. I am told there are "Hide It" boxes that can be fitted BUT which one??? We are...
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I am trying to find my apple account but it sends me to ITunes login except it doesnt. Cant get mast the "please wait" instruction. Then it sends me to an "Expert" who require me to join a for £1.00...
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I Discovered Turmeric Co shots a couple of weeks ago and am/was impressed by the info and positive info re this /Health Product as i have been taking Turmeric tablets off and on for a few years now+....

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