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Husband mauled by a wild animal

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Farmergina | 23:33 Fri 26th Oct 2012 | Animals & Nature
136 Answers
I need advice asap, my husband was walking the dog earlier when he said he heard a whimpering coming from a hole in the ground as if a small animal was hurt so he shined his torch down the hole and couldn't see anything, he then put his arm down the hole and was viciously attacked. His dog was trying to get at the animal whilst he was being attacked which then made the animal run up my husbands arm and onto his face and head where it further mauled him until he fell and the animal escaped chased by the dog.

My husband doesn't know what the animal was as it was dark and he dropped his torch in the commotion but said it was small, furry with sharp teeth and claws and cat sized.

The nearest hospital's on the mainland 15 miles away and the sea's rough today so we can't take the boatso we'll have to go to the doctor who comes in by boat every morning at 10am so i've cleaned his wounds with soap and water and am about to dress them and want to know whether it would be better to use vinegar or lemon juice or bicarb to disinfect his wounds as that's all we have until we do our months shopping on monday.

Which is the best to use?


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not at the moment - time for the sack.......
My husband doesn't know what the animal was as it was dark and he dropped his torch in the commotion but said it was small, furry with sharp teeth and claws and cat sized.

I'm a bit of an expert on wild life, now ..... it was small, furry with sharp teeth and claws and cat sized.

I am thinking it was probably .......a cat.
Having been mauled by a wild animal once or twice recently I can say that it hurts - but infection usually took until the next day to set in.

I was actually attacked earlier this evening my a prowling lion, it hurt, I screamed and the lion ran off before I strangled him.

It is dangerous with all these animals.
Any sign of the chopper yet framergina?
I must admit this fella deteriorated at an alarming rate during the course of this thread!!
LOL @ MT and wolf ................wolf? it wasn't you down the hole was it? ;)
but the patio is finished LL
Didn't put up much of a fight at all did he Loftie? No fun at all.
It only took 20 minutes for him to reach death's door....that's a bit worrying...
Mouse in one hand, disinfectant in the other, one eye on unfortunate Hubby, one eye on the screen ;)
No need for a patio - just sling him overboard.
Love your angry little moley Lottie!
Ann - a big hole maybe!

I thought that Lassie was meant to go for help. (I hope that this isn't a legit question)
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Here's the helicopter coming in to land - no ..... its a low flying owl .....
ann 86 lol.
Will look on the Daily Mail headlines in the morning <yawn>
Well at least the doctor comes ever day from the mainland 15 miles away, even on a Sunday. Amazing service!!
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It's certainly an interesting post for a first-timer.

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Husband mauled by a wild animal

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