My 13 y.o daughter went to bed tonight at 6.30, complaining of a sudden, intense headache with severe nausea and excessive tiredness. She looked very pale with black circles under her eyes. She had no pain in her neck.
This is very unusual for her, she usually stays up til 10 or half past, when I send her to bed.
She was quite distant when I talked to her and it came on very suddenly. She usually eats loads, but hasn't eaten much all day.
I'm worried. A family who live behind us lost their teenage son to meningitis a few years ago, he went to bed feeling sick and tired and was found dead in his bed the next morning.
Call the NHS help line or the emergency doctor (dial your own it will give you an alternative number) Mind there is a virus going around locally at the moment very much flu like.
I hope it's nothing to worry about. Around that age I started to get migraines. Think it was the hormones. Hopefully it will be something like that and not anything to concern you (although, they are bad enough!). Could also be just a bug she has picked up. Keep an eye, that's all you can do really.
My migraines stopped in adulthood thankfully.
As head of first aid in a comprehensive school, sick kids often got referred to me. (Yes, I know that it's nothing to do with first aid, but that's what happened). One day I was out of school on a course, so I didn't see the girl who reported symptoms similar to those you've described. She died of meningitis the following day.
It's probably nothing more than flu but please, please, please don't take any chances.
Sounds like a migraine to me. I have been having them since I was 7/8. I agree with others though, maybe call NHS 24 or take her to out of hours to be on the safe side. I hope she feels better soon x
Thanks all, she has slept on and off for the last few hours. She is still very sleepy but says she can't believe she's slept all that time.
She has no neck pain, no sensitivity to light, no visual disturbances, her temp is fine, no apparent rash...I think maybe I have over-reacted because of our neighbours son?
She has not eaten since a bite of a sandwich at lunch (she usually eats loads), just wants to sleep