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Fao Sqad

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friedgreentomato | 09:19 Thu 14th Feb 2013 | Animals & Nature
21 Answers
How are you this morning?


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What's the situation with Airborne? You sounded very upset yesterday but these things often turn out to be nothing like as bad as we imagine.
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Hope he is OK
Helen thanks, just seen your post.
He seems a bit better this morning and had a good breakfast.
I assume that it was either a cerebrovascular episode ( stroke) or been hit with a car and post concussion episode.

Thanks for your concern.
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keep us up to date please Sqad - as I said if he has gone blind then the routine is important. xx
Message from Airborne " I feel a bit better today Auntie Helen, thank yo for asking, but my eyesight is still not right.Daddy doesn't like too much fussing as you know, so there will be no further bulletins.Appriciate your concern,
Airborne "

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Sorry airbourne to much of a cat lady!!!

I will now stand back but take some ibuprofen and wait and see what happens.
If we don't get am update now and again Ratty, Helen and I will come to see the poor wee lad to make sure he is okay. :-)

Maybe his lady friends will start looking after him now Sqad.

Best wishes and cyber hug to Airborne.
thought about him several times today so glad he is a bit brighter today , sorry sqad there are a lot of us crazy cat woman about , please do update us
Dear Airborne, glad you are feeling better. There are lots of us thinking of you and sending our best wishes. If you could possibly convince Daddy to give us a quick update in a couple of days we'd all be grateful. Sending you lots of cyber catnip X
Dear Airborne,

Rover, No 1 Son and Black Spot all wish you well!
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Yup us cat ladies are 'barking' mad!!!
Would this be a bad time to admit that although I did indeed have a cat many years ago I'm more of a dog and rat lady really. i just hate to think of any animal being poorly.
Dear Airborne...please make sure your hooman slave sends updates-otherwise my hooman slave will be crazier than she already is. Feel better...Caspar
"Well, I,be got up but Daddy has found me soaking wet & he thinks that I may well have fallen into the swimming pool.However, I av just crawled into my fleece lined kennel and Iam not coming out until tomorrow morning"

Thanks for all your concern

Aw sqad - is he OK? Do you have local vet facilities you could take him to, just to check him over? It would be a kind thing to do....
boxy..yes......but nobody will look after him like I will. Thanks anyway.
I don't mean that you should leave him there..... home is always best, my furry mob would agree with you :-)
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Oh dear Airbourne - I am sure daddy sqad will look after you - keep warm and watch out for any shock - good luck
Daddy Sqad is an absolute softy.....who'd have guessed...;-0

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