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Why Do Parents...

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EvianBaby | 17:05 Fri 31st May 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
Think we're all interested in their kids?

Chatting to a guy a work today he must have spent at least an hour in total telling me about his 16 year old daughter. But really mundane things, like I know what position she played in her last 5 hockey matches. Then he tops it off with saying, Ooohh let me show you a picture of her. So he spends 10 minutes roucking through his emails to find one.

Not only is this boring but it makes it incredibly awkward for me when I see a picture of a rather chunky, not overly attractive girl on the screen. What's he expecting me to say? I'm not going to lie am I. I believe my response was 'ohh, right'.

This is just one example of many. I understand people being proud of their kids but it unless its a gorgeous little baby (and even that's pushing it) im not that interested. surely I can't be the only one who just doesn't give a monkeys about other people's kids. Am I?



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Evian...couldn't agree more.....they drive me mad going on about, mainly, spoilt little brats as ugly as hell who you know have little chance of getting anywhere in life......judging by the overbearing parents.
17:20 Fri 31st May 2013
I feel much the same way: sister in law has just had a baby, which, although cute, doesn't mean I want to hold it repeatedly or jump up and down with joy at the fact that it's (I'm constantly being lambasted for calling it 'it') done a big pooh after being constipated for 5 days.
Evian...couldn't agree more.....they drive me mad going on about, mainly, spoilt little brats as ugly as hell who you know have little chance of getting anywhere in life......judging by the overbearing parents.
Lol. I try very hard not to ever do that.

(fact is, my kids don't do anything interesting)
Did they tell you about the colour and consistency of the post constipation pooh?
Lol ummmm. I love kids but not for breakfast!
Better than that chuck: I can send you the photo if you like...
Lovely offer, but feel free to send the photo to ummmm, I'm sure she'd appreciate it more.
Couldn't eat a whole one !!
On a plus note they do start to get amusing when you can embarrass them in front of their friends :-)
CD's other sister emailed her some photos of her kids new shoes What The Funicular...
Yeah...send it to me. I love pictures of random babies! :-)
Oh yes ummmm I like to treat them to the embarrassing moments too especially in front of their friends. (wicked laugh)
I know I am guilty of mentioning my kids quite often on here, but I don't in 'real' life. People also assume that I like children because I have some, but I don't. I find most children to be uninteresting, bad-mannered, attention-seeking brats, who sometimes are so ugly only a mother could love them (that may be why I hated teaching so much).
lol Sher :-)
I don't have kids - my brother has three and they are great kids - even though they are English.

I have to confess that I regularly update people about my furrybairns, but I don't carry photos around with me.
I love my nephews very much.... But recently I've heard about the constipation of one and that the other did 'a poo in the toilet'.... So I've started telling them all about what Eric (cat) has been up to in retaliation, which included my plans for him to attend cambridge.
CD - you should start talking about how ginger cats are discriminated against!!
Do you all have a spare hour til I tell you all about my four wonderful grandchildren? No? Thought not!
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Not just me then :)

I also adore my nephews and nieces but I only want to know when they're being little genius' or little bastards. The rest, meh. Thankfully 'most' of my siblings know this. Although there are exceptions.

I have a brother who seems to think that when I babysit ill want to come round early so I can spend some time with the kids. I'm far more interested in the Indian food ill order when they sod off to bed. :)

Actually, I'm yet to meet a parent who is keen on spend much time in the company of other people's reproductions.
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Sher, asking questions about something to do with them or mentioning something about them during the normal course of conversation is a bit different. Plus on here I can chose to ignore it :)

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