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West Highland Terrier

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lynnepenny | 11:16 Thu 18th Aug 2005 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
We are looking for a Breeder named Suzanne Taylor (<A href=&quot;mailto:[email protected]&quot;>[email protected]</A>) from Stoke/Staffordshire, we had a puppy from her in 2000, absolutely fantastic temperament. We want to buy 2 next year from the same pedigree line, she did tell me that one from the same litter was breeding, but now I cannot get in touch with her, her email is returned every time.. Can anybody help please


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Have you tried an online people search? Here in the U.S., or is the best way to find someone's most recent phone/address by only having their name to search from and an idea of thier location...

Perhaps you have something like this online? Try a search using her name...and good luck with your westies!


I'm in Stoke and have just looked in the local yellow pages - there are one or two breeders of Westies but none give names, just addresses.  Do you have any idea whereabout in the area they were?

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To Sammy Snake - Thank you for answer to my search for Suzanne Taylor, trying to explain  whereabouts we drove to, coming from Surrey,  recollection of going thru stoke fair distance outside,   crossed railway line, up a big hill, some railway museum and police college, and up another hill   to kind of farm. Does this help

your best port of call would be The Kennel Club, all breeders have to be registered with them.

If you draw a blank there, then try within the Westie breeding community itself, most breeders have web sites and may be worth emailing one of them to ask as dog breeders tend to be a very tight knit community and are generally 'in the know'

Good luck!

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West Highland Terrier

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