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reportmonkey | 15:21 Tue 23rd Aug 2005 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
Are Wasp Nests dangerous, if I had one outside my window at work for example and I left it alone would this be ok or could I expect them to swarm and sting me. I've read that hitting a wasp near a nest will cause it to release pheramones and summon its friends.


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Do not, under any circumstance, touch or go near that nest. Get either a friend or an exterminator to eradicate those wasps for good. They are not helping you, they're probably scaring you. So


On a slightly calmer note lol these wasps probably will attack you even if you dont go near them, es[pecially at the end of the summer when they are starting to die off. We had a wasp bike in our garden and they went mad one day and went for us, pretty scary
calm response. if it is near your habitation you are likely to get them in through the open window, especially on jam doughnut day, then you will flap around and try to swat them and then it will be unpleasant all round. Wasps per se are not dangerous, but yes I too have heard that a dying wasp releases pheromones that enrage its pals and so would I if I could. I live in peace with them in my garden and catch those in the house and release them outdoors, but when I find a queen building near the house or shed then I stop her and when we came home from abroad after 2 years and found 13 nests in the attic, sadly we got the exterminator in.

Not dangerous normally but more of a nuisance unless you are allergic and suffer from Anaphylactic Shock after a sting, (i.e. you start to suffer from fast heartbeat & rapid breathing  ).  In this case you need to dial 999 and get an ambulance as it could be fatal.  Don't want to frighten you.  It's a rare situation but can happen and individuals who have this condition need to carry a substance around with them to inject themselves if they suffer a bee or wasp sting.

Most wasps will die off in the cold weather if you can wait long enough so just try and give them a wide berth..

My dad once had a wasp's nest in a garden bird box, but we fixed it. We approached the nest wearing hats, gloves and mosquito nets and we sprayed the box with lots and lots of wasp killer. That did the trick!

SuperPigeon is right, THEY ARE THE ENEMY.

I hate the nasty little stingy things, but best you don't disturb the nest, they will swarm and they will get nasty.

If they are or are likely to cause a problem, go to the yellow pages and find somebody to exterminate them.

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