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Hi Dave, I'm very happy to 'get on' with you, I think we got off to a dodgy patch and knee jerked a bit with one another over various comments, so I'm very happy to get on with you ( or anyone else) from here :) Thank you for that, it was really surprising, all the more so because I thought I'd checked this guy out reasonably well- apparently not.
I know Sqad, and we've kept ' mongrels' in amongst the pure breds ever since I can remember and I've currently got a lurcher- a crossbred deerhound/ wolfhound /greyhound / saluki girl as well as my Wolfhound, my Malamute and my Kommondor ( who is going to live with my brother who she is utterly besotted with for some reason- can't think why ;-) We also had a mother cat and 3 kittens dumped on us not so long ago so I do do my bit for animal rescue and support any no kill shelters ( but not the RSPCA- they're dreadful:( )