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pregnant animals

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nancypants1 | 00:14 Sun 11th Sep 2005 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers
How and when do female animals know that they are pregnant? At what point in the pregnancy do their instincts tell them that there is a baby animal on the way?


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Right from the beginning after fertilisation an animal's behaviour is regulated by hormones. A fertilised ova (zygote) sends out many different messages to alter the body for pregnancy. Most animals do not realise that there is actually one or moreababies on the way. Improved food intake and nest arrangement is part of the hormonal changes and if, say a cat, could speak and be asked why it is preparing a cozy corner in the bottom of the wardrobe it would have no idea. All the stages of birth or egg laying and incubating is all regulated by hormones.
In some animals, dogs and goats in particular it is the
action of mating that stimulates hormones but they dont always get it right both species are rather prone to 'phantom'
pregnancies even if they have not been mated.

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