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Question For The Dog Owners

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lumination | 18:32 Wed 13th Jan 2016 | Animals & Nature
28 Answers
In time I aim to have a bengal cat and/or a savannah cat. I'm just wondering, as these cats will need to be walked, as a dog owner would you worry about your dog if you saw me walking along the same path a you? As in how would your dog react?

I would love to take them out on walks just like any dog would but sometimes i worry it wont always go well...


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Can you provide a link to these cats, so that we know what we are up against?
unfortunately my dog (pictured) thinks cats are on this earth to be chased so out of politeness i would cross over the road
I would be cautiously bemused by any cat on a lead.
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ah its nice to know you would cross the road, i would teach them a trick such as if i say 'up' they would jump up on my shoulders. but im not sure how a dog would react if it didnt like cats, would it try and jump up at me i wonder...?
My dog would chase them. I would have to keep her on the lead.
I think you are asking for trouble to " walk" a cat near dogs.
If any cat was on your shoulder a dog would be tempted to jump up.
Will your cats be allowed to free roam like other cats?
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anneasquith, thats my whole problem. I have no where really I can go that doesnt have dogs around...
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hc4361, No they won't be allowed to free roam. They risk getting cat nabbed or due to these breeds they would roam way to far away.
Have you got a big outdoor space? It would be cruel to keep such energetic and curious cats indoors or on a lead when out
Once you put a lead on your pet it should be under your control and unable to chase another animal or jump up at a person.

Hope your local dog walkers are sensible lumination.

I used to walk my rabbit and did of course have to scoop her up sometimes.
I cannot find any evidence at all that a Bengal or a Savannah (which are outrageously expensive) require walking on a lead.
Well, if you have nowhere suitable to walk a cat. Is it wise to get one ?
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hc4361, i would be building an outdoor pen which they can access via a window. Also will be building 'walkways' through the house up near the ceiling so they have run around space up there too. I'm hoping to make it like a second story for them! That plus a cat wheel. They will get plenty of exercise otherwise they could become destructive, and no one wants that.

It would be very unwise to let a savannah out to free roam.
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anneasquith, if you live in a town like i do no where will be dog free. i would have to live in the middle of nowhere which unfortunately i do not. I would take them out to places where there are less dogs like south downs near brighton but for the days when i come home from work and walk around where i live ill be bumping into the odd pouchie.
I 'inherited' two pedigree cats that were indoor cats before I got them - they were Iet out and iIved normaI Iives after they came to me. I wouId not have a cat I couId not Iet Iive a normaI Iife. And yes, my dogs wouId go baIIistic if they saw a cat on a Iead waIking towards them. Even though they wouId be on a Iead it wouId be very difficuIt to stop any dog that is not used to cats trying to chase them and I wouId worry what the cat wouId do not being abIe to get away because of the Iead.

After a quiet chuckle all I'm going too say is in 64 years I have never seen anyone with a Cat on a lead.
Good luck with that!

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