News1 min ago
18 Answers
Now as some of you know I'm an ailurophile (cat lover) but I'm sick and tired of having to remove cat poo from my lawn almost every morning. I've a good idea which one of the local moggies is responsible but can never catch her in the act. Is there anything I could spray the lawn with to deter her? Don't want anything that would hurt cats, just stop them doing what comes naturally in the wrong place!
Maggie can you absolutely rule out it's not a fox doing it because that would be my bet?
18:53 Mon 01st Aug 2016
Its unusual for a cat to poo on a lawn and not bury it. You can buy sprays made with natural ingredients from most garden centres and DIY stores. Spray around where the cat poos as they tend to go back to the same place. Worst scenario go buy a cheap litter tray and put it out for the cat -they much prefer litter trays than soil. Our cats are outside cats and we live in the country but I have a litter tray in an old lean-too and they always use that instead of my seed beds.
Get a few solar powered ultrasonic animal repellers and plonk them in your garden. They do seem to work (on foxes as well as cats)
http:// www.eba /itm/So lar-Pow er-Dual -Ultra- Sonic-P est-Rep eller-C at-Dog- Fox-Bir d-Anima l-Deter rent-/1 2199774 9964?ha sh=item 1c67a1e ecc
Why do folk persist in spreading this myth that cats bury their mess ? It's rare that they bother. Few if any thing works continually on all cats. The problem is with the owner not training them. I've had some success with camphor spread around the place but like anything you put down, it continually needs replacing. I used to like the electronic stuff but batteries run out and mains driven go wrong far too quickly. If it is a back garden there are water jets with movement detectors; not that I've tried them.