ChatterBank2 mins ago
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Looking at Google images,it would seem there is nothing new about this. Seems both dangerous and cruel to me. Apparently this was to promote conservation.
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=c hild+ri ding+an +alliga tor& ;client =tablet -androi d-samsu ng& source= lnms&am p;prmd= ivsn&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 0ahUKEw j77srA7 JbSAhXj CcAKHTu _Dx0Q_A UIBygB& amp;biw =768&am p;bih=1 024
// The controversial footage, which was allegedly shot during one of Jim Nesci’s Cold Blooded Creatures' events, which promote ‘conservation through education’, has started to go viral //
Read more: http:// www.dai lymail. ravel/t ravel_n ews/art icle-40 94924/W hat-pos sibly-w rong-Sh ocking- video-y oung-ch ild-rid ing-8ft -ALLIGA TOR-swe eps-int ernet.h tml#ixz z4Yw1Ya RaB
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