....... Kate came home mid afternoon yesterday, 04:00ish today we had an Ambulance out as she fell going to the Loo and we couldn't get her up, dodgy knees, had she woken me up I would have escorted her and it wouldn't have happened.
14:00 another fall, no escort, she didn't ask again, just went for it, resulting in readmission, the PMs said she should never have been sent home as she was which is what we suspected in the first place.
The only positive was that her bag was still packed with all her goodies from coming home yesterday.
balders, setting aside whether or not she should have come home, when I had DH at home and he was frail, I put a cordless baby monitor in his room so if he stirred I heard him. He wasn't best pleased but I insisted.
Balders this has happened to me previously with early discharge, patient wants to get home, hospital wants bed, result being patient re admitted in a more serious condition than when they were discharged. Sorry to hear the news, wishing you all the best.
It has to be disheartening for all of you (esp her main man, Bruno).
I realise how complex the brain is but you would think that they would have an idea of what is going wrong and how best to deal with it to give Kate a better quality of life instead of endless stays in hospital. Would going private be an option? (I realise that your house has NHS people/links and this may not be an ethical option).
So sorry to hear this, you all must be really fed up now, especially Mrs B. I do hope this time the hospital sort out the problems she has and, although no one wants to be in hospital, better she stays until they do. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Speedy recovery Mrs B x