ChatterBank1 min ago
10 Answers
Hi all, I know there are some gardeners among you so perhaps you can help me? I have bought a lovely pot for my garden and I would like a flowering plant to go in it. I would prefer somethng that has quite a long flowering period and for it to flower every year. TIA
https://www. /search?sour ce=hp&ei =ZiT5XNWXB4P 6kwWghrXwDg& q=perennial+ flowering+pl ants&oq= perennial+f& amp;gs_l=mob ile-gws-wiz- hp.1.2.0i131 j0l7.5442.20 544..24287.. .0.0..0.147. 939.9j2..... .0....1..... ..8..41j46i1 31j46j0i10.a ao7sCS9ePw#i mgrc=8cSB1EK dCYQ6CM: The blue ones need acidic soil or...
14:41 Thu 06th Jun 2019
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?sou rce=hp& amp;ei= ZiT5XNW XB4P6kw WghrXwD g&q =perenn ial+flo wering+ plants& amp;oq= perenni al+f&am p;gs_l= mobile- gws-wiz -hp.1.2 .0i131j 0l7.544 2.20544 ..24287 ...0.0. .0.147. 939.9j2 ......0 ....1.. .....8. .41j46i 131j46j 0i10.aa o7sCS9e Pw#imgr c=8cSB1 EKdCYQ6 CM:
The blue ones need acidic soil or they will turn pink.
The blue ones need acidic soil or they will turn pink.
Personally I would also look at flowering annuals - they tend to go right through the summer - such as petunias (there's masses of choice actually ) because that gives you the option of changing each year. I know roses and hydrangeas have been mentioned but most flowering perennials and shrubs only do so for a set month or two. I'm guessing this is a large pot? You could plant it up with 2 or 3 clematis that flower at different times - if you put in support for them to climb.