Do we catch a cold from other people or can we just catch a cold?
Mr M and I are living a fairly isolated life and being quite cautious when we do go to a shop or a cafe. We wash our hands and sanitise at every opportunity, yet we both feel a bit coldy today.
We're thinking that if we have caught a cold from someone or somewhere then we could just as easily have caught the virus. Or can we just get a common cold without contact?
I think it just goes to show that even if someone thinks they’re being ‘very careful’ they can still come into contact with a virus, any virus.
And bear in mind, isn’t the COVID virus much more contagious than the common cold virus?
about 200 serotypes
common cold centre in salisbury ( also in a doctor in X series ) reported 1970 that a vaccine was a non starter and so they - - -
closed it
tyrell had to go out and find another job etc - oh I say dont govt scientists have security of tenure ? nope
I thought you had to have covid symptoms in order to be tested. Sniffles or runny noses aren't symptoms...or so I thought. Is it different for children?
It seems to me to have been a very "hay fevery" autumn winter this year...I wonder if some of the sniffles/sore throat/sneeziness people are getting is allergy related rather than virus related?