I was once a member of a local paranormal research group
(I was the token sceptic)
Attended a talk by a prominent advocate of crop circles been paranormal (UFOs etc)
One talk entailed been told that a particular type of crop,
that had a circle, could not not have been formed naturally because that particular crop breaks when its trod on. (The crop hadnt breaked or snapped)
I pointed out that the night before, it had rained heavily and the crop was wet and pliable.
The crop was 'snappable' whilst dry but 'plyable' whilst wet.
Sometimes the the most obvious answers are the correct ones!!
We would all like to wish in the supernatural but it doesnt exist.
However they were made, they were very cleverly done. One just south of Stonehenge appeared (allegedly) within a 20 min time slot. I can't remember the details, but many many circles of various sizes in a sophisticated arrangement. Hard to imagine humans managing that, and probably even harder to imagine extra-terrestrials coming here to do it. Reg Presley (he of the Troggs tapes) was interested in all this stuff.
Makes you think! (Or perhaps encourages people not to think).
Despite Naomi's atheism (sorry if I misrepresent you, Naomi), at least she doesn't automatically dismiss anything odd in principle. I think the crop circles are often fascinating and, although capable of plausible terrestrial explanations, they can be very difficult to explain in such terms.
jimf: "Yes. Doug and Dave finally got sick of it, phoned the press, made a documentary showing exactly how it was done, and that was that. " - yes well even before that it was pretty obviously none of the things the dims suggested.