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Do You Have Any Pets?

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construct1245 | 15:10 Wed 27th Sep 2023 | Animals & Nature
35 Answers

I have a cat



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Not since last September when my cat (see Avatar) died aged 21 years old - she was a sweetie and I miss her.

Yep, a JR, this is Benny:


Sammy the spider lives at the top of my stairs but moves around freely!

I've got two cats just over a year old who were rescued from the side of the road.  One is completely black, the other is black but has a tiny bit of white under her chin and between her back legs.

They are little rascals.

2 dogs

2 cats 

17 honorary pets (calves in the field ) that I ensure have water everyday for the farmer

Garden full of frogs and a hedgehog...that's enough for me.

Sort of, I have a pet fox that visits and I feed every night.


1 Great Dane called Stella...

A long haired Scottish Fold cat name Prince Oberyn..

A Blue Fronted Amazon parrot... Dave

Blue a 30 year old African Grey parrot...

And four rescue hens, Camina, Cruella, Cara and Cookie... they are The C Team!

The cats Binkie Cookie Babushka Blue Marmalade DJ Gracie

The dogs Bailey Coconini Ginger Poppy Moka

The horses Kris Lilly Honey somewhat nervous former street cat, Toby

Lovely photos of cats, & Benny! 😍


and Marley! 😍

Had the Mater's farm-cross - who I called the Princess Royal because of her love of little luxuries like Cat-san rather than woodchips....she was, we reckon 22 or 23 when she popped her clogs.

21 cats

2 dogs

1 hen

2 Rabbits

1 hedgehog (blind)

Ringlet - 21 cats!!!

I had problems living with two siblings.  


I absolutely love this post! Cats, dogs, frogs, spiders, cows, hens.............

But I clearly must have misread ringlets post as they said 21 cats!???

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