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This Needs To Be Nipped In The Bud.

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sandyRoe | 07:55 Mon 19th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers

Last night my cat, DJ, came over demanding attention by digging its claws into my leg.

How best to stop it doing this?



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get its nails cut......

Good Morning,

Start by trimming her nails, then every time she attempts to do it, put her down with a firm no, repeat  everytime she attempts it and reward her with cuddles when she doesn't.

Of course she is a cat and will do exactly what she wants but you may get through to her if she is young enough.

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By showing you cat more attention instead of waiting for the moggy demanding it.

Or, as I'd probably do, get rid of the *** of a creature😏

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This Needs To Be Nipped In The Bud.

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