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Cats And Snakes

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sandyRoe | 21:17 Wed 21st Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
16 Answers

I once had a draught excluder that looked like a snake.  When the cat we had at the time first saw it it leaped away.

There have been no snakes in Ireland since St Patrick.  How could the cat know the snake represented danger?



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They do it with cucumbers too, Sandy, they're not the brightest.

Heriditary in the genes - a cucumber is as effective (lots of examples on YouTube)

There was that stupid 'craze' a few years ago where some cat owners thought it hilarious to nearly scare their cats to death with a cucumber.

It's inherent, in the same way many people in the UK are scared of spiders and mice. 

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I guess as far as they're concerned it's better to be safe than sorry.

In fairness to cats though, I have pretty much the same reaction to that foul green object masquerading as food.

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Oh, I don't know.  The young ones pickled are quite tasty.

That's cucumbers not kittens.

Or maybe, like with birds learning to peck foil tops on milk all those years ago it's a shared fear of the snake-like garden hose that comes into play when they're using the flower beds as toilets.

I had a cat many years ago (Dustypuss) that went berserk if he laid eys on a coat hanger 😡‍πŸ’«!!

How can the cat know the snake represented danger  Hissensedit.


thought you were going to say that your high priestess had killed your draught excluder.

I have heard people say that cats are curious animals.  They aren't - they are downright fekking strange. πŸ˜‚

not a snake but.....


I don't know why they all think it's funny in your video webbo.  Perhaps it's me but I don't like to see any animal frightened.

Beyond me how anyone finds it funny, lb

No one will ever understand why a cat reacts the way it does.

Because according to a cat a humans purpose  is to fill its food bowl and empty its litter tray.

Therefore cats rule🀣

YouTube has loads of vids showing one person pranking/scaring another. Don't expect cats to be excepted from that sort of thing.

I'm with ladybirder and Barry on this. It amazes me how so many YouTube videos rely on frighterning an animal or a child - and some folk find it entertaining.


Why don't the RSPCA and NSPCC prosecute - the evidence is plain to see after all.

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