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Dog Travel Tranquilisers

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Khandro | 22:20 Sat 24th Aug 2024 | Animals & Nature
2 Answers

Channel-crossing with my dog we usually use the tunnel to Dover, but having booked to come alone, circumstances force me to now come with my dog (& wife!). 

I know I am over-fussy but we have never left our (rescue) dog alone in the car, which we will have to do in the car deck for a couple of hours.

Has anyone used tranquilisers (for the dog not me !) in such a situation so she may be calm, and are they advisable ? 



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Wightlink permit dogs in passenger area set aside for such circumstances - does your ferry provider not do the same ?

I'm a fan of Pet Remedy products.  Perhaps they might help your pooch?

[NB: It might be best to buy a bigger bottle of the spray, and more wipes, than you get in that tiny kit.  The items are sold separately. probably sells something similar although I've been struggling to find it on their website].

Dogs have to remain in vehicles with Irish Ferries and DFDS using Dover but P&O has a special lounge:

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