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staffordshire bull terrier

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agent4 | 18:32 Fri 17th Feb 2006 | Animals & Nature
7 Answers
i have a 2 year old staff hes good as gold until someone new walks into our house. no matter how much i belt him tell him off he will not stop jumping up people. if a friend walks in and he/she sits down hes jumping all over them. its not nice when your friends pop round and a staff is hanging of them for 20 mins +. any ideas how to calm him down quick. sorry bout caps.:) p.s we have had his bits removed due to health reasons the vet told us this would calm him down. but no luck.


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hello agent4, first and foremost YOU DO NOT EVER BELT AN ANIMAL!

training him to not jump up is difficult but you can ask your visitors to turn their backs on the dog and all must ignore him completely until he calms down.

you can explain that you have started training him and that you will need their cooperation.

you can buy dog treats and, as a good reward for him not jumping up, give him a goody.

rawhide chews are another good doggy pacifier as is a very good dog bed, where truly he should feel chilled out and happy.

lastly, very very long walks, staffys have boundless energy that doesn't seem to lessen as they get older!

failing all, you could enroll in dog training classes as this is usually about training the owner and not the dog.

good doggy aaahhhh!!!!!

Question Author
thanks for your reply il give them a go


We have a jack russel who was obsessed with chasing cats, we wanted to get two kittens and a behaviour specialist advised us to drop a coke tin with pebbles in it next to him whenever he showed any interest, be carefull he doesn't realise it's you thats dropped it and you don't hit him with it.

We only did it once and the dog turns his head away from cats now and won't look at them!

further to the great reply from asciwhite, completely ignore ALL bad behaviour and really praise when he gets it right
Another solution which a friend found effective, was to get a small screw top plastic container and fill it with small pebbles or glass beads. Everytime the dog jumped up, they shook the container hard and said no or down in a firm voice. Dogs do not like the loud noise and will eventually be conditioned by the sound and your command. Good luck!
Question Author
thanks to you all il give them a try

if my dog ever does something that I'm not happy with if he dosent stop after being told i put him in another room for a while to calm down and then let him back in, if he carries on then he goes back out and this goes on untill he get that I don't like what hes doing this doesnt take very long once or twice out and he knows not to do it again dog's are far from stupid and all they want is to make you happy and by reacting the way you are at the moment, you are actually making him worse good luck :-)

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staffordshire bull terrier

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