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dog dirt

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callyteddy | 22:00 Tue 06th Jun 2006 | Animals & Nature
6 Answers
my dogs keeps eating there own dirt does it mean they have a dirty habit or are they lacking in vitamins


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My 6month lab bitch does this. Very annoying as i dont know why she does it! After working out that she wasnt bored or hungry, i tried her on conditioning tablets which contain brewers yeast for vitamin b(poo eating and dry skin is sometimes a sign of vitamin b deficiency) They worked for a while but now shes started up again. My next move is going to be feeding her pineapple with her meals, this supposedly makes the poo taste unpleasant! Not that it doesnt already! From a human point of view!

Some info here:

Hope this helps

You need to sort out why your dog is doing this - it could well be a sign of vitamin deficiency. On the other hand, they could be doing for attention. Do you make a fuss every time they do it? If so, stop, and ignore them.

You could try picking it up as soon as they have done it, then there is no poo to eat, but I realise that when it is cold and dark and raining, you really don't want to be wandering round the garden trying to spot poo! You can also try, if your dog has a pretty strong stomach, a little sprinkle of chilli powder, or tabasco sauce on the poo, especially while it's nice and sunny and dry and you can go into the garden in the evening. That should put your dog off eating the poo nicely, and you won't have to worry during the summer.

Only do this if it won't make your dog violently ill though.

Good luck!

...don't want to sound facecious but your dogs would be firm favourites around my neighbourhood where dog fouling is rife..............if you could find out what makes them do it you would make your fortune and eradicate one of the scourges of civilization at a stroke...<G>

PS...please, no indignant letters....I'm just joshing.
Celia Haddon has some good advice here gs/frameset.html
Well respected lady who writes about pets and their foibles for the Telegraph.
Had exactly the same problem with my staffie pup until 2 weeks ago when I bought Deter tablets from the pet shop. She's stopped eating her own now and am training on stopping her eating others'

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