the chip is injected into the fat on the scruff on the back of the neck, she should be ok with it,or hold a grudge for a day or two just to make you feel guilty!!!
My very grumpy cat detests the vet with a vengence but when she was microchipped she didn't notice a thing. It's just a little injection in the scruff of the neck.
Gadget will be fine, I have my 2 cats chipped( Ronnie & Belle ). One I only got done last week ( Belle is only 6 months old ) and she was fine. Better to be safe than sorry Immi.
I think its should be mandatory for all cats and dogs to be chipped. At least any poor animals that had suffered at the hands of cruel owners - the owners would or could be proven and prosecuted..... Whats your thoughts on this AB?
Ronnie, i internalise my anger alot. If people annoy me i keep it to myself. The only two times I've ever gotten angry with someone is when I've seen them abusing an animal. One of them was my mother who was of the opinion that the only way to teach a puppy not to jump on the sofa was to smack him hard across the head. I totally flipped.