After living in my husbands country ( Denmark) for 3 years, it's time to say goodbye to great family and friends and return to Australia. I don't want it to be a sad affair. How do I make it a cheery occasion with everyone- especially for my 2 girls (nearly 2 and nearly 4). Love to hear your creative ideas.
Are you going to Australia WITH your husband (in other words a happy parting), or is he staying in Denmark and you going to Australia with the children (an unhappy parting).
I ask because that can make a big difference to the mood and type of the going away party.
I you AND you husband and your children are all going then why not have a fancy dress party where everyone comes dressed as a funny Australian (hat with corks, fosters larger cans, kangeroos, koalas etc)
Or maybe in Danish costume OR Australian costume.
Maybe the food and drink could all be Australian to let the people know what you are going to eat and drink when you are there.
Or maybe play Austraian music (Rolf Harris, men at work, anyone else?).
Also put round a piece of paper so everyone can put their e-mail adress on it so you can contact them when you get back.
In England we have pin the tail on the donkey (with the people blindfolded).
Why not have pin the city on the map (without blindfolds).
Get a big map of Australia and get lots of pins with labels for all the major Australian cities. See how many people can put the cities in the correct place.
It may help them have an idea of where you are going to.