I saw a bird with its beak in a puddle this morning... how do they take up the water. Beaks are hard and I can't imagine they can suck it up like we can. Do they just lick it up?
Most birds scoop the water up in their beaks and dribble it down their throats. Some, like swallows, scoop it up from the water surface as they fly over it. And some, like pigeons, stick their beaks fully into the water and suck it up (like you would from a bowl, if your hands were tied behind your back).
My cockatiel opens his beak and dunks it in water. You can see his tongue curled as he does it so I think he wets his tongue or almost collects water on a curled tongue.
Some of the australian finches also suck it up like pigeons. Speed is of the essence and waterholes are dangerous places for little birds in aussie (loads of raptors).
The lorikeets also have an interesting way of drinking, their tongue is like a brush to lick up the nectar they live on and lap up water in the same manner as a dog or cat, only at super speed.