How to stop cats in The AnswerBank: Animals & Nature
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How to stop cats

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smiler.iraq | 08:23 Wed 12th Nov 2003 | Animals & Nature
15 Answers
I need a bit of help my neighbours cats are sneaking into my Garden and messing everywhere. Buying a dog is not viable and ive spoken to the neighbour but is there anyway to stop them from getting into the Garden without turning it into Colditz
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The only thing that is more or less guaranteed is an ultrasonic device attached usually to a wall facing the garden. Garden centres have them or there's a link here to look at. An electrical one is preferable to battery - less fuss.


My mum puts moth balls on the dirt - keeps them away Honest!
Landmines worked for me! Although they did cause a bit of controversy with the neighbours, after their son climbed into our garden to retrieve a ball. ( he doesnt play anymore)
chilli powder on/under the fence (you have to keep replenishing it after rain) - the cat gets the message eventually....
Orange peel works treat,but I doubt you will be able to completely stop the cat entering your garden.Maybe an air rifle would do the trick (Only kidding,I am an animal lover really)
I put used cd discs down I was told it would work, unfortunately some passing kid saw them and pinched the lot so I don't know. I keep saying this but does anyone know why I can't ask questions any more, its over two weeks now help help help
Hi PG - You may have the same problem as I did not being able to post messages. The culprit was the Google Pop up Stopper - or any one similar. Just turn it off before posting.
Cetti, you keep saving my life, yes I do have a pop up killer, I will turn it off next time. Cheers. PG
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You must be a sad friendless little person Kruiwa. In answer to the actual question tho, how about trying a childs water pistol...cats won't bother to go into a garden where someone keeps showering them with water. Also, cats generally only like to use the bits of the garden that they can dig up...so if you cover earthy areas with a heavy gravel type stuff, they might move on to some other lucky person's garden!
How wrong you are Purplepixie We run a bird rescue centre and the biggest cause of injury to birds are cats.The are not an indigenous animal to this country and therefore should be treated the same as most people treat Grey squirells( We also rescue and treat these and many other mammals) so my previous statement comes from the heart,.RSPB figures qoute 5million cats KILL 20 million birds per year which is absolutely tragic,but speak to any cat owner and they always say "My cat doesn't kill anything its too lazy" well there must be some very busy cats out there somewhere.A solution would be an enforecment of cat collars fitted with a bell at least the birdies would have some sort of warning.I guess my statement is also a food chain thing I can,in my small way,being higher up the food chain than cats prevent then abusing something lower down the chain for amusement.I do not have a problem with an animal killing for food,that is just nature but cats( and humans with regard to fox hunting)just do it for pleasure and fun(or so called "sport") which I do not agree with
Well, I too rescue animals of all kinds, and wouldn't dream of posting such a graphic description of such repulsive cruelty to a cat or any other animal when there really are people out there who would actually do just those things that you wrote about .As someone who claims to be interested in animal welfare, I think it is extremely offensive for you to have written it. Cats, like any other animal, are acting purely on instincts that they are inprinted with from birth....unlike people who have the ability to make an informed choice about most things that they do. It is absolute rubbish to claim that they kill for fun...it is as instinctive in a domestic cat to hunt as it is for a dog to scavenge...however well you feed them. I have enclosed my own garden with an overhanging fence, so they don't wander into anyone elses garden & they have never in the 15 years I've had cats, killed any birds. If they did, I would hope that being ' higher up in the food chain' as you put it would enable me to use my brain & realise that smashing up another animal is not the way to solve this problem. I still think there is something fundamentally wrong in the mind of a so called animal lover, who could write what you did.
Obviously like all other cat owners you are also in denial
Here here Purple Pixie. And shame on you Kruiwa....you ought to be reported to the RSPCA for psychopathic tendencies.

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