Goodsoulette, thanks for the tip! And re. the sandwiches-WHAT??!!!! *lol*
Ratter, you are bloody right there! They are everywhere! My kitchen leads directly to my back door. Initially I thought they were sneaking in from outside, but they now seem to have developed an interior army! The problem is we have a dog so we have to be very VERY careful about what we put down. Also, as you noted, as it's the kitchen, spray (or anything else that can't be controlled) is problematic. I have a (relatively inneffectual) "ant trap" (ha!) but the ******* are still about! It's a rented property, and the association are fairly good at repairs etc., but I am not sure this extends to pest control.
Well, fingers crossed! I feel guilty (Have you SEEN Antz?!) but they are a nuisance!
Lisa x