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Grooming Trouble

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crossroads | 23:05 Sat 23rd Jun 2007 | Animals & Nature
16 Answers
I've got two cats and they are an absolute pain to brush. When i try to brush them they scratch and hiss and try to bite me. Otherwise they are well behaved. I have tried lots of these brushes and cloths and mittens on the market but the cats don't seem to like them. Any suggestions. If i can't brush them i'll have to take them to the vets witch the cats don't like not to mention my wallet.
Thanks in advance


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Hi, am I right to assume that they are long-haired cats?

Lisa x
Question Author
Thats right divegirl, they are both long haired
Hi Crossroads. I have a persian cat who loathes being brushed and kicks up a fuss but she will just about let me use a metal comb on her. I got this from a pet shop and it has alternate long and short prongs. I don't know why she hates brushes-maybe they drag the fur. To groom her, I lay her on her back on my lap and do her tum first (theres a lot of growling and hissing but it's all talk!) then, I turn her over and do her back. The back legs kick out and I have had many scratches but its definitely easier with the comb thing! Good luck xx
We use a metal curry comb on Mouse our Ragdoll....he doesn't like it.....but he's getting better. My daughter waits until he's in for the night and sleepy then just goes for it!!! He calms down after a while, but she has done it every night since we got him [Christmas]. My ex-mother-in-law however pays a proffessional groomer to do hers. Sorry can't really be of much could try showing them pics of shaved and humiliated

Lisa x
Oh Lisa, where you been, busy I guess, any pics of the pups, and how is the lovely Lola?

Sorry for intruding on your post crossroads.
Hello Piggy :O} ....... just for you.....




Just been so busy, the babies are four weeks old now and are up and walking. Lola is 11 weeks today and has nearly doubled her body weight since we got her!!!!! She is still causing havoc and it's only gonna get

Lisa x

it'll only let me do one at a time ??????
Here's one for you crossroads....Mouse having his belly brushed....

Question Author
ahh, what a cutie. I'd love to uplaod som pics of my cats but i'm having problems with the album stuff. Might try again later
Thanks for sharing the photos anyway
Aw thank you Lisa, they are brilliant, can't get over the size of Lola, especially compared to the puppies, what does she make of them?
Scooby No, she OK under supervision!
Ha, ha, thats what I was wondering, that or toys!
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I've just managed to upload a picture of one of the cats. I used to have loads in an online album but then the website shutdown. I'm beggining to move them to a new gallery. See what you think of her:
Aw she is beautiful crossroads, I presume she is named after her colour and not because she is a tart!!!

My friend had a persian blue call Roxy and he was gorgeous, but she had to send him to be groomed regularly as he wouldn't let her do it. That said, he was the king of the castle, he would wait for you to open doors for him, and gates (he wouldn't go through them), he would only drink from a dripping tap and she had to cut the poo from his nether regions on occasions, all of which I found really amusing until I had to look after him for 3 weeks, not so funny then!
Question Author
I've just uploaded some images of my other cat as well, she's called smartie. they can all be found on the link above

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