sSrry to hear about that, I am a huge pet lover too. A few years back I saw a cat which had just been run over seconds before, I didn't see the impact or the car involved I just saw the direct aftermath of it. We basically drove down this tree lined road where we rented a place, and in the corner of my eye I saw this cat rolling around in distress it was obvious what had happened. I shouted to my boyfriend extremely loudly 'STOP THE CAR!' i dashed out and round to see the cat by this time it had stopped moving and was laying quietly and I felt in my heart there was nothing I could do and it was the cats last moments. So I knelt down on the road next to it a stoked to slowly, and talked to it.... it passed away. Not knowing any of the locals but wanting to find the cats owner, so the poor cat is not left all alone, I went door to door, asking about the cat, I was aware that any of these people and the owner might have thought it was me that ran the cat owner but all that really mattered was the cats body to me and the owner being able to morn over the loss properly. I upset a few people who ran off to check their cat was in their house or not. It was just terrible wallking round with such bad news. In the end hours later and it had gone dark I had not found the owner but had put notes through the doors and some houses explaining what had happened and that the cat was not alone in it last minutes and had died peacefully. I lifted the cats body on to the pavement below a tree and covered the cat well with a sheet, I didn't have a garden, or outbuilding I could put the cat safe I lived in an apartment you see. Within 24hrs the cat disappeared off the street, I can only hope the owner took it and not anything or anyone else like the road sweeper/cleaner I saw on that road. Would I road sweeper take that?