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horselady | 23:04 Sun 23rd Mar 2008 | Animals & Nature
12 Answers
The car in front of me hit a baby deer earlier. Poor little thing hobbled/dragged itself to the edge of the road and went off into the woods. The car driver obviously knew he'd hit it but didn't slow down or anything. Can't stop thinking about it, soppy aren't I?


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Thanks IAP I didn't mean that the driver should brake suddenly, I meant after he hit it, I thought he would slow down and maybe go and look, but now you've said about someone running after the deer to check I can see that would be wrong too.
On the continent , you must report it and in some countries get a tracker out to find it and kill it. Unfortuntaely, they may look uninjured but if are hit in their jaw or legs, can basically starve to death.
It is good practice, that if you know whose land it is to inform them, as there might be a stalker nearby who could find it.
the British Deer Society are loooking to set up a register of people who can track deer , and that only has to be good for the welfare of the animals.
Not soppy, just caring
Not soppy Horselady -just a decent person
not soppy at all there are far to many people who dont give a dam about animals
Not soppy at all horselady, you cared.I see many drivers who do not slow down at all for wildlife and it makes me sick, my husband has seen some drivers speed up to hit a rabbit.This is the state of things today, no respect for anything or anybody.
I agree - not soppy at all. I will do my very best to avoid hitting anything but I too have seen drivers who seem to do it deliberately. I get very upset at the amount of road kill around here - I often see deer, badgers and foxes dead at the side of the road as well as loads of rabbits and pheasants.
A fact of life I am sorry to say.

I feel guilty if I hit a bird let alone a deer. Thus far, I have managed to avoid them even though I live in the sticks.

Rest assured, if the deer was alright it would soon join its herd, and will just hobble about for a while.

If it is badly injured, the suffering will not last long as the elements or a hungry fox will soon have it. Harsh, but that is nature.

To question garner, I have never actually seen anybody hit an animal on purpose. In fact if I did I would probably hit them on purpose, or kick them swiftly in the knackers!!!

Its not at all soppy Horselady. My mum ran over a pigeon once and I was in the passenger seat getting all upset. Much as I can't stand pigeon I wouldn't want to kill one. Mind you I get upset when I step on a snail by asccident.
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Thank you everyone. It's really good to know there are still decent, caring people around who feel the same as I do.
I'm not 100 per cent sure of this, but I think that if you phone the police they have the phone number of someone who can deal with this and can contact them.
I really like this Abdulmajid person, Horselady, don't you?
My sentiments exactly!

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