I drove to work last week and right in my path to park was this hedgehog he never moved out of my way so I can see how easy it is to run them down. My question is he was walking round in a circle over and over again I gave up watching and went in to work. Why was he doing this and what for I was woundering if it was some kind of brain damage, any ideas out there? Thanks No daft answers please
You've got to remember that sealed roads have only been around for a couple of hundred years and hedgehogs millions of years. They can not reason that they can not 'snuffle' for earthworms and other goodies in this strange hard ground. It is probably wandering around looking for softer soil to provide its supper.
Great answer wildwood. Had this image of hedgehog going round in circles cussing and swearing cause he can't find the bludy bit of soft earth for his dinner