Humans are an animal, and many of them do talk some form of English...
I once heard on the radio what was supposed to be a sealion speaking. It could say about five words (in an American accent). It sounded much like Scooby Doo, as you might expect.
I can't remember enough about it to say whether it was a genuine item or a wind-up -- anyone else remember this?
Some parrots can say more than a few words, and even understand what some words mean. There's a famous one which can answer simple questions about objects, such as what colour or shape they are, giving one-word answers. It can also pick out objects by size, shape etc. I think it has a vocabulary of about 50 words.
Apart from many species of parrot and parakeet, quite a few other birds can mimic words. Ones I know of are European jay, magpie & jackdaw (no doubt other crows too), as well as starling & mynah.