appears to be "licking the air" alot - is there something wrong with her? I hope you know what i mean - i cant think of another way to describe it! Thank you!
My dog does the same thing when he has something in his mouth. For instance, after he has been licking his legs he has the little hairs stuck on his tongue and he will lick and lick into the air. Have you looked in her mouth to see it she has anything stuck there, a hair, a bit of thread, a bit of food stuck in the roof of her mouth. I would check.
Thank you.
I have looked in her mouth but there doesnt appear to be anything in there. It could be little hairs prehaps but she is groomed so often i'm not sure. She's doing it so often i'm wondering if there is anything else causing her discomfort maybe. Her saliva appears thick aswell, i may take her to the vets just in case
My dog, Bill, a Welsh Corgi, has done that same thing for many years . . .he is now 92, has arthritis, but he never seemed to Ail from Licking the Air . . .
hey leelapops! I'm very well thank you!
How are you?
Yes we went to the V-E-T-S! haha! We went about her leg but they are also doing a few other tests, she is a bit poorly sick at the moemnt! She has something qrong with her hip and tendon in her "knee" joint, bad eyes... poor little mite! The vet said the licking thing isnt probably anything serious but did some tests on her mouth, not sure what - all i know is that it cost me a small fortune!