Dosing earlier makes no difference. Whitespot is a parasite which can not be treated while on the fish as it burrows beneath the mucus. After a few days, it reached a free swimming stage when treatment is most effective, it will then attach itself to plants and gravel (hence the advise for no filter) where it will become a cyst and start dividing into hundreds of new parasites. These will become free swimming and looking for a new host and if none are found after a few days they will die. The whole cycle takes about one week depending on the temperature.
It is easy to rid a tank completely from whitespot by removing fish (and snails) for two weeks by which time both cycles would have died out.
It is also easy to clear it up with medication and leaving the fish in the tank BUT YOU MUST FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS.
The old fashioned way was to add a heap of salt to the water but to be 100% effective this would have to be in such concentrations as to harm the fish and indeed the fresh water plants.