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Is this a record?

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thugulike | 14:55 Mon 20th Oct 2008 | Animals & Nature
3 Answers
George, My Old English Mastiff, has just growled for the first time at 16 months. I was thinking of asking the breeder for my money back as he hasn't snarled or put his hackles up either. Is he defective?


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My bull-mastiff cross was never a growler. He was a big sap - until we needed protecting.

When you are George's size who needs to growl - all he needs to do is stand and look menacing.

He was a lovely looking puppy - I be you are so in love with him.
Like wolf says, who needs to growl when you have the [look] they are such gentle giants but I bet their protection mode is first class.
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What amazes me is that nobody, despite his size, seems to be afraid of him. Parents bring their children over, even babies in prams, to meet him and he often has kids hanging off his neck. I've had rotties who were just as soft but very few people approached us then. I think it may be because George is the same colour as a teddy bear. What pleasure he brings.

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Is this a record?

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