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Nothing is safe anymore...

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jen78 | 22:22 Thu 04th Dec 2008 | Animals & Nature
34 Answers
Bought myself a mini pack of Ferrero Rocher this morning and was just about to treat myself to one when the furry monster discovered it.

After a quick game of table football he's now run off with it :(

Cats lol :)


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And it wasn't even a chocolate mouse.
Oh no , naughty Heathcliffe !
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Nope :)

He doesn't play with the balls I got him either, obviously has expensive preferences :)

At least he has taste!
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Hmmm...he's back without contraband, i hate to imagine where he's stashed it.

Just hoping it doesn't involve my cream carpet!
Have you found the one he ran off with yet jen ?
Or bedding, or radiators

Mischievious little rascal isnt he. I bet he looks at you with his "what me" eyes and then starts cleaning the chocolate off his whiskers
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He's not eaten it, found it on the kitchen floor.

Went to bed and heard him crying outside so went out and he was crying at the neighbour's door, probably as I'd gone to bed and their hall light is on.

Was a bit miffed at the little traitor lol so went back to bed. He then comes bounding back in, jumps on the bed, bit my arm and threw up twice on the bed and again in the hall.

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No NK lol, he's very good in the p*ssing department.

He's all happy now as I've got up and am crashing on the sofa to keep an eye on him in case he is sick again.

I'm sure people are feeding him!
Oh jen , you poor lass , hope he's ok though hun xxx
pmsl@Heathcliffe. Yuk what a horrible mess for you to clear up Jen. Posh chocs obviously dont agree with him. Slave now has good reason to keep said chocs away from cat for his own good.
On the other hand it might have had three teas in his satellite slaves' homes
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He didn't eat any of the chocolate, just played with it like a ball.

I'm sure he is getting stuff elsewhere though as he has odd occasions of not being interested in food at home and had a call from a guy the other day who said HC was in his flat and he'd given him single cream (noooo!).
Just a wonder - human chocolate is very dangerous for dogs to eat. Does the same apply to cats?
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Not sure but he doesn't get any chocolate from me.

Milk isn't good for them either which is why I was expecting him to have a poorly tummy after the guy with the cream.
Mine has cream everyday , she is now 19 , pleasantly plump and presently in front of the gas fire
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Awww bless :)

I guess I just erred on the side of caution when I was told not to give cats any but I'm sure cats used to have it all the time in the past.

He seemed fine after his cream escapade the other day though.

I get him special Felix cat milk as a treat sometimes and he loves that.
Felix cat milk is better for him , i would be more worried what the other people are feeding him. take care with your little bundle of fun
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I will, he's my baby.

I am tempted to take his collar in to get "Please do not feed me" or similar written on the other side of his disc.
my lady does not like humans and only goes out with me so i don't have your problem. thats my 3 answers so i have to wait 60 hours now before i can post again . goodnight
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Awww, come back when you can, thanks for your replies :)

Night night x

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