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My cat...

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eash | 22:12 Sun 22nd Feb 2009 | Animals & Nature
9 Answers
Has got an admirer! Although I'm not sure she feels the same way about him! lol
She is hissing a lot but I'm not sure if that is because he is on her territory or she is playing hard to get! lol
Does anyone know?


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eash. is this the black cat she was looking at through the window. If it was perhaps she was thinking he's quite nice, but at a safe distance. If they have now met outside the house, perhaps she's not so keen when he's on her territory. As long as she has been spayed, and hopefully the black cat has been neutered, the best thing is to leave them to it, and see if they make friends. If not your cat will soon see him off. :-). Schutz.
my girl was singing very loudly at a male cat displaying his wares to her outside the window. she is normally so quiet it really freaked me out bu then i just ended up laughing at her. the other cat just led there with his bits hanging out not giving a fig...its such a hard life x
If your cat is spayed, it's probably more a territory issue.

Cats are never satisfied with their own patch, they do like to poke their noses into other cats' personal spaces. This resolves in two ways - either the sitting tennent defends his or her area successfully, and the interloper tries elsewhere, or the incoming cat takes over, and gives the resident a hard time.

The results depend entirely on the individual characters involved - some cats can't be bothered to make a nuicance of themselves, some cats don't care who poops in their garden.

As advised, it will shake out to their mutual agreement in time, so let them get on with it. If your puss is being bullied, then that's the time to intervene, but otherwise, it's just cats doing what they do.
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Hey schutzengel, how did you know it was a black cat and that she was looking at him through the window??

Thanks for your answers guys, he soon ran off and my cat came and sat on my lap as if nothing had happened! lol
I half expected him to walk in through the cat flap during the night but I don't think he did...
Apparently cats territorial areas overlap a lot and the main way it is sorted out it by timeslots with dominant cats getting the best timeslots for the territory that being early evening as far as cats are concerned.

cats only mate if the female is in season, so it is unlikely to be a romantic liasion, more likely at territory thing, but cats can have friends as well.
Hi Eash. I'm not psychic. :-). Don't you remember that sometime ago you posted, saying your cat was sitting on the windowsill, looking at a black cat outside. I thought it was so cute, which is why I remembered it. As for him popping in through the cat-flap, just give it time, and he probably will. I have a little black cat who's supposed to live next door, but spends most of her time following my big ginger Frankie about, (and in through the cat-flap), everyday. Wishing you lots of happy cat-days. Schutz.
Apparently cats territorial areas overlap a lot and the main way it is sorted out it by timeslots with dominant cats getting the best timeslots for the territory that being early evening as far as cats are concerned.

cats only mate if the female is in season, so it is unlikely to be a romantic liasion, more likely at territory thing, but cats can have friends as well.
We've a very pretty little tortie cat that keeps coming and having a look through our patio doors, cupar and margo are not impressed, maybe she fancies cupar, he is a rather handsome lad. Me thinks hes checking you and your home out, and hey he might even get a girlfriend
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I don't remember that Schutzengel, lol But well done to you for remembering! :-)
I came downstairs this morning to find a fluffy black and white cat in my living room which was obviously scaring my cat because as soon as I opened the door to the living room she went flying upstairs! And the black and white fluff ball legged it out the cat flap!

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