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bit of a silly question but

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tinkerbell99 | 16:20 Sat 13th Jun 2009 | Animals & Nature
8 Answers
my 8yr old daughter has asked me if any animals eat banana skin and what are they.
i cant answer her question can anyone here?


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I can't answer your question either but I suggest you reach into your purse and take out a 20 and tell your daughter to go to the shops and buy some sweets for herself. That will stop her asking questions you can't answer.
Im sure lemurs eat the whole of the banana, possible monkeys would eat the whole thing too...not much help i know but it might point you in the right direction to look further on the internet..x
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lol johnny7 will try that
i looked on the internet madaboutcats but i couldnt find an answerbut you did help thanx
I have seen Elephants eat the whole banana.
A friend of mine owns a Staffy names Chester who loves bananas, skin and all - but I think he's an exception to the general rule !!

George, the very elderly Urang utan who lived in Adelaide Zoo for many years, was famous for peeling his bananas very precisely and eating them in a very tidy manner - I wish I had a photo to send.

Doubt if any of that helps but who knows. cheers
Seekeerz - your friend should stop her dog eating the skin IMMEDIATELY - it contains toxins that dosg cannot deal with and will cause her damanage over time - much the same as grapes do in dogs!
thanks for that poetrylover it always struck me as rather odd, as few dogs like bananas at all, but have passed on your advice,
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thanks for your help you have made a little girl happy xxxxx

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bit of a silly question but

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