My red setter has suddenly developed a droopy tail. Normally her tail curves up but suddenly it has developed a droop about 2 inches from its base. As far as I am aware she has not hurt it, there are no visible signs of damage and when I touch it she doesn't react so I'm guessing its not hurt in any way. Any idea what might have caused it?
Sounds like an injury to one of the vertebra at the lower to middle endof the tail. Dogs often wallop their tails about excitedly when they are hyped up and can do damage to the tail structure. Get a vet to check it out. Hope you get a good result.
Cold tail is really interesting and might be the answer - I showered her lyesterday and usually I do it with luke warm water but because it was so warm I just hosed her down with cold water so maybe I overdid the cold water and as it was so warm I left her to dry naturally. She also often goes in the river to cool down during a walk and the water there is pretty cold.
Thanks for the suggestion really useful - guess I'll know if it comes back to life in a couple of days.