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Dog's dinner

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wildwood | 04:12 Tue 02nd Mar 2010 | Animals & Nature
4 Answers
I'm not a fan of dressing cats/dogs up for human entertainment, but you have to see this one. At least the dog is geting a free feed out of it, and seems quite happy.


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Like you I think that clothes for dogs should be limited to jackets for warmth and shoes (when needed) - but this is pretty harmless.

Let's face it a Labs reason for living is food (or is that a Lab's reason for living??).

I am up at silly o'clock because my cat master and mistress demanded food. :-(
it's not really a dog dressing up is it? Just harmless amusement which didn't affect the dog in any way. I found it very funny.
i'd say that dog has the human well trained!
Brilliant, a real laugh.

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Dog's dinner

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