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Bat Alert !

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NoMercy | 14:24 Wed 21st Apr 2010 | Animals & Nature
48 Answers
I've got a bat on the wall down by the washing line.... He's very near ground level and I'd really like him to move from there. Should I poke him with a broomstick and get him to fly away? Will he bite me or my dog?

Help. :-(


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That's an American website.
There is no rabies in the UK.
But what about Spain where NoMercy resides...

S0d it... bash it with a shovel. Job done. Move on.
Question Author
I'm not in the UK either....
Anyway... do you really need the washing line this evenin? Slum it and hang your smalls on the back of a chair ;-p
Bat soup......put the pan on, NoM xx
Is it still there NoM?
send for Batman...............
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I've just been down to check... it's dead. :-(

I wonder if the poor thing was dead all along.
For Funks Sake... it's prob. been dead for days pmsl...
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Today was the first day I noticed it there. And it was hanging upside down on the wall this morning. When I just went to check now, it was lying flat on its back on the floor.
Or maybe it is just a heavy sleeper.
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Yeah... maybe it was sunbathing and it's just nodded off....

For Funks Sake.
As soon as dusk comes he will fly off
But if I see him I will eat him
Admit it murdered the bat.
Leave him be NoM - if he's fallen off the wall he might not be very well, if he hasn't moved by the morning then I think you can legitimately pick him up with a shovel and put him in the bin. One of my cats used to bring small ones in quite regularly, they fly low and my cat can jump high!
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He really is dead as a dodo... I touched him with a drinking straw. He's gone to bat heaven...
Tie him up in a plastic bag then and put him in the bin, if you're sure he's dead. Drinking straw is a bit lightweight as an indicator of death, tho, poke him with a stick.
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Don't you think he deserves a more dignified send off?
okay.............burn the bugger.

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