ChatterBank1 min ago
Barking dog
23 Answers
I have new neighbours who keep a young dog in the shed alone for 23 hours out of 24. There is a little outside space and she is not illtreated but I would say stressed. I offered to walk her and this worked well, she was very happy, no trouble. I had to clean out the shed because she had chewed up her mattress and the flocking was all over the floor which she had peed on of course and the flies were swarming, so I swept it up. Later I brought her an old sleeping bag as she had no other bedding. She has kept us awake barking and my husband asked them to see to her one night and was told they didn't want me to go round any more. Last weekend they went away and someone came round to feed her. She's a nice dog but I wonder why they have her when they don't spend time with her? I don't know what I can do to help her now.
Most councils now have dog wardens - they not only ensure we clean up after our pets, but also that dogs are well cared for by responsible owners. If you're not sure how to get a hold of one, try any dog training classes in the area, they should have all the information you need. It may be that the owners are just ignorant of what is required of them as dog owners and the...
20:22 Tue 10th Aug 2010
Personally, if she is barking all night I would alert the Evironmental Health Department of your local Council who will pay them a visit. Of course this could have repercussions and they might chuck the dog out. I am not sure whether the RSPCA can do anything if she has water, food and shelter, but it may be worth talking to them if she is kept in dirty conditions and they might visit to check.
Personally, I think your neighbours are cruel and it makes me so angry. As you say, why have a dog at all if you can't be bothered with it.
Personally, I think your neighbours are cruel and it makes me so angry. As you say, why have a dog at all if you can't be bothered with it.
Thanks for the prompt replies. It is getting me down, not so much the barking but the poor dog crying for attention and being ignored. I live in a small village and know the parents of this couple. I have been to see them and they are in agreement with me. So maybe I should just be patient now and see if they do anything. Environmental Health is an idea if all else fails and she continues to bark but mainly I want to help the dog get some life.
it is neglect! i know you say its being fed and housed in a shed! But come on we wouldnt treat anyone like that. 1hour of company a day. I bet the dog is really really low and in need of rehoming in a loving and warm home! Report and report to rspca an private and local council on the noise issues.
Every dog has to be left alone but you'll find the dog is deeply depressed and even homeless re-homing centre would be better than being on a constant neglect
Every dog has to be left alone but you'll find the dog is deeply depressed and even homeless re-homing centre would be better than being on a constant neglect
I'm not sure the RSPCA would take action in this case Donna and I would have very hostile neighbours as they would know it was me. Then I would not be able to help the dog at all and I am still willing to walk her. I might seek some advice from the RSPCA tho. There is a fenced garden but they don't let the dog in it and sometimes children are running about and the dog wants to play. I sound like a nosy neighbour, but I can't stop worrying about it. It's just cruel. I'm glad there are other dog lovers out there, my other neighbours 'can't hear it'.
I would get straight on to the RSPCA, no probs , in reporting the position .Sometimes you have to do what is right --and stand up for your principles .Sorry no sympathy for you from if you don't do something to alleviate that poor animals suffering.
Can appreciate your reluctance to report however -- but that wouldn't rest easy with me I'm afraid.
Can appreciate your reluctance to report however -- but that wouldn't rest easy with me I'm afraid.
Most councils now have dog wardens - they not only ensure we clean up after our pets, but also that dogs are well cared for by responsible owners. If you're not sure how to get a hold of one, try any dog training classes in the area, they should have all the information you need. It may be that the owners are just ignorant of what is required of them as dog owners and the warden will do what he/she can to educate them - or if it is felt they are just bad owners then they make take other steps.
Thanks Karenmac, that sounds like a really good idea which I didn't know about. I'm not dodging the issue here Brenda and I am determined to help this dog. Sometimes you get a better result by not being confrontational especially in a small community but I will if I have to! I certainly have food for thought. Thanks for your support.
If they rent their house and you share a landlord ring your housing officer, i did that for the same reason and the housing officer visited the neighbour and explained about the anti-barking collars, but of course the reason the dog is barking is because it is confused in the new home and is not settleing
A good idea Dotty. Their house belongs to his father who also lives in the village and I've already been to see him. He agrees with me and says they should not have a dog and he will speak to him about it. As to why they have got one Catgirl, that is a mystery to me too. Maybe cute little puppies grow up and become hard work?
I agree carmalee, this dog is not barking for the sake of it she is asking for some attention. She is quieter now they are back home tho and I slip her dog treats over the wall! I am still hoping to take her out for walks again. I don't see them responding well to any 'interference. Of course I get angry and upset but me reading the riot act will not help the dog. He seems to be fond of the dog so not a monster, but unaware of her need for company. If I get to know them better maybe with the help of his parents (who are responsible dog owners) we can educate him? I admit I have willed her to jump over her fence into the garden. The previous tenants had two greyhounds running around.
suppose they won't lend it to you to take to training classes will they - then you could maybe get one of them interested too? They are building up problems if the dog is not socalised properly and then the dog will get the blame. Yea, it's a real problem and agree you don't want to alienate them - will keep thinking cap on and get back to you if I have a brainstorm of an idea.
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My friend was in a similar position to you,and after all polite and legal actions failed to help the dog's horrible situation,she took matters into her own hands to stop the abuse. Having already found another friend that wanted to give the dog a loving home,she and her son,got the dog out of the shed in the wee small hours,leaving the door open,like it had got out. This dog is now living a proper doggy friendly life :-). I know,it was technically illegal,but,the abuse of the dog has now been stopped.