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dog barking

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zzxxee | 10:32 Sat 13th Nov 2010 | Animals & Nature
26 Answers
my dog has got into the habit over the last couple of months barking at everything that goes past the window and eating letters after they have been posted he barks at the postman as well
any tips or gadgets that will make him stop???
tia x


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he was done over 3 years ago
Two things I would do here!
One squirt him with a water pistol every time he does it, it helps if you stay out of sight whilst doing this! Shock tactics!
Or....Get a rattle can or a bunch of keys and when he barks chuck the keys down next to him [or shake the can] to get his attention and distract him and then give a very firm command on 'QUIET'.....he'll soon get the idea.

Lisa x
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will try thanks xx
strange he does not do it whilst out walking just at home
hi, zzxxee. i have the exact same issue with my dog. ill be interested in any tips.
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what kind of dog do you have anne ?
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mines a jack russel patterdale cross (little lovable git ) x
my vet things a cross.between whippet,collie. he has the colouring of a jack russell ie mostly white with some tan markings
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sounds lovely :O)
If you want to save the post, either install a mailbox outside or one of those wire basket thingies you can attach to your front door to catch the post before it drops to the floor.
Pet Corrector works for mine, and every other dog in the vicinity, LOL.
I once cured a little dog of eating the mail by soaking some evelopes with nail bite lotion and posting them to myself (once dry) he hated it and soon gave up.
if you look at it from his point of view his barking is working, each time he barks the postman gives him letters to chew then goes away. Great result for dog and the behaviour is reinforced on a daily basis. Install one of those letter cages and shut him away from the front door at delivery time.
where abouts are you zzxxee cos I have one of those letter cages (won it in a raffle) but don't have a letter box.
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im in bristol carmalee
will look out for a wire basket like you have suggested x
will try the product you mentioned jules 77 thanks
and thanks to all other answers x
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cant shut him away at delivery time as my post gets delivered anytime from 10 in the morning until 4.00pm !!!!
Bow Wow, Bow Wow, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr Bow Wow Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !
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are you feeling ok redman ?? lol
oh well, can't help with the letter cage as I'm in Kent - sorry
get down...............redman.

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