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66 Not Out

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paddywak | 10:29 Sun 21st Apr 2013 | Twitching & Birdwatching
10 Answers
In the early hours of the morning the Lady of the Loch produced her second egg of the year and the 66th of her glorious career.


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Ah, fabulous, I must go to the site - last time I looked, the webcam was down.
Where's the link?
Great news, must have a look. Thanks for sharing.
Baldric, here's the wardens' blog, the webcam link is on the right. It buffers for a while then you see the nest :-)
Just been having a look - wonderful.
Thanks boxy
Oh wow, she's amazing .... Hope they both hatch !!
That's great news, isn't it? I've been watching on the webcam, too. Has anyone else seen the Dyfi webcam? The quality's fantastic. Sadly, the male is still on his own.
A week later and she has now produced nos. 67 & 68! Incredible bird probably aged 27 and returning to Scotland for 23rd time. If one egg hatches it will be her 50th chick.

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66 Not Out

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