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melv16 | 10:05 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Twitching & Birdwatching
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One of the chicks has taken to skydiving again. 😟

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It's the same chick as last time. Luckily it landed in the cornfield and they found it was malnourished,  so it's probably in the best place.

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Chick feeding itself with adult on front perch. 

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Looks like another has gone skydiving 😟

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The blog says the chick flew from the box yesterday and returned. 

I think there's a shortage of prey in the area, hence the malnourished chick.

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The lone chick is feeding itself. The prey looks pretty small.

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Remaining chick ont front perch. Could be fledging soon?

Mum's feeding chick.  Phew!

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LB. Watching nest boxes is not for the faint of heart 😟

Too right Melv.  I said to myself I wasn't going to watch again after last year but as soon as I see you posting I'm there again.  Doh!

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The last chick looks as though its  fledged 👍

Spent ages yesterday watching the last one deciding whether to fly off, looking here, there and everywhere and dash .... I've missed the take-off 🦅

I missed it as well after spending ages watching Mum and Chick looking as if they were going to take off. As this is the second time I wonder if they'll be back again, or Chick on its own.

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I think the fledging happened this morning,  as the chick was home-alone last night.

The adults usually teach the chicks to hunt. Whether they do that around there I don't know. In Sheffield they lurk around the nest box for some weeks as there is a plentiful supply of food..lots of pigeons. 

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